Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How Well Do You Know Beta Testing?

Retrieved from:http://texaslynn.worldpress.com
Chances are you have probably been part of a beta test. Beta testing is commonly used by developers to test their projects. However; it is not the only way beta testing is used. A common misconception about beta testing is that they are are all the same. Developers choose to beta test for different reasons. Some developers beta test to discover bugs while others want public opinion.

Google is a company that beta tests in a very different way. Google tends to keep its products in the beta stage until the product meets its strict standards. These standards are so strict that it can take months even years for products to leave the beta stage. One extreme example is Gmail. Gmail was launched in 2004, and it didn’t leave the beta stage until five years after! Another is Google Maps which recently left its beta stage February 2014.

Another common misconception is that beta testing is the only test developers do. Beta testing is actually subsequent to internal testing; also known as alpha testing. Beta testing is only used if the developer feels that the alpha testing is not enough. That is why not every project goes through beta testing. 

I am a firm believer that beta testing is essential for any product's success. The success of any product comes down providing the needs of the consumer and beta testing can make that possible. 

Schofield J. (2009, Jul 10). Gmail finally slips out of beta. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/technology/blog/2009/jul/07/gmail-out-of-beta


  1. This posting was concise and informative. I never knew that google's gmail went though so many years of beta testing. Although this blog post was supposed to be on usability testing, beta testing is one form of it.

  2. I agree with Andy Wang that this post provided me with some new information, such as Google's lengthy beta testing stages. I had no idea Google maps was in beta up until recently. What is your opinion on releasing a product without any beta testing? I believe that the product would not be as great compared to if it were beta tested.

  3. I agree with both Andry Wang and Alexandra Lomotan. Have you ever heard of DOTA or Minecraft? Those games were on beta test for an extended period of time much like Google Gmail. In your experience, what kind of beta tests have you been a part of? Since you are talking about beta testing, you should also briefly talk about alpha testing which occurs at the developer site before beta testing.

  4. First off, love the picture! It fits perfectly with the theme. As for the blog, love that as well. Like the others, I didn't even know Gmail was under beta testing for five years or the fact that it was even under beta testing. I do get why they were so strict, no one wants anything that is non-fully functional.
