Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Welcome to my Blog!

Free is usually better right? Well I sure think so!

I worked as an independent contractor for the Orchard School District in San Jose. My team and I helped the school district make their website more dynamic and accessible for parents and staff. Even though the job was unpaid, it felt amazing to help a district that did not have the resources to do it on their own.

During my time as an independent contractor, I was expected to know HTML and CSS. Both languages were unfamiliar to me. I taught myself these skills in under a week. Even with my disadvantage, I was able to surpass my teammates in the ability to format webpages. Under my leadership, my team was able to exceed the expectations of our client.

Email me at: kevin.lai095@gmail.com
or call me at: (510) 213-1887 for employment opportunities. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little unsure of what your goals are. I think you can make your goals a little more clear. When you were talking about the programs that you wrote in C and Java, you can also maybe talk about one or two programs that you wrote that makes you really happy about. I feel that your summary is not quite complete. I think you can talk a little more about your KSA.
